Assembly Commission



Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Tŷ Hywel



Thursday, 29 January 2015



13.00 - 14.55




Minutes:  AC(4)2015(2)




Commission Members:


Dame Rosemary Butler AM (Chair)

Peter Black AM

Angela Burns AM

Sandy Mewies AM

Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM






Officials present:


Claire Clancy, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Assembly

Craig Stephenson, Director of Commission Services

Dave Tosh, Director of Resources

Neil Bradley, Assembly Sustainability Co-ordinator

Sulafa Thomas, Head of Commission Secretariat







Others in attendance:


David Melding AM, Deputy Presiding Officer

Mair Barnes, Independent Adviser

Jon Stratford, Assistant Chief Constable, South Wales Police

Josh Jones, Chief Superintendent, South Wales Police






1    Introduction




1.1         Introduction and apologies


There were no apologies.




1.2         Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.




1.3         Minutes of the previous meeting


The minutes of the 15 January meeting were agreed.




2    Security update - Oral item


The Commission received a security briefing, and will consider a range of options with regard to security on the estate. Commissioners decided to return to the matter at their next meeting on 9 February.




3    Carbon Management Strategy - Conclusion and Future Plans


Commissioners considered a report that provided a summary of our key achievements in respect of the corporate targets and that concluded the Carbon Management Strategy. Commissioners welcomed the detail about the significant reductions in carbon emissions which have been delivered through this strategy. The Commission plans to build on this achievement in coming years through the Energy Reduction Route Map they agreed last year. 


Commissioners commended the report and the work that had been done to achieve such success, particularly highlighting the recent award for the Most Sustainable Public Sector Organisation in Government across the UK. They agreed the report should be published on the Commission’s sustainability webpage.




4    Corporate Performance Report, April - December 2014


Commissioners considered a paper which set out the draft Corporate Performance Report for the period April - December 2014.


Commissioners explored a number of areas covered in the report, particularly focussing on visits by schools and improvements in staff sickness levels.


Commissioners commented on how useful the report is but further consideration might be given to simplifying it and not having too many targets.




5    Highlight Report (July - December 2014)


Commissioners reviewed the latest highlight report which gave an update on key activities and projects since June 2014. They agreed to publish the report and make it available to Members.




6    Review of Assembly Commission Effectiveness - update on actions


The Commission reviewed and updated their Action Plan in response to the recommendations contained in the report of the review of Commission effectiveness.




7    Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Minutes - 10 November 2014


Commissioners noted the Minutes of the 10 November ACARAC meeting, having received an oral update about this meeting in December.




8    Any other business


The Commission will next meet on 9 February, when the discussion will focus on engaging with the people of Wales, and Commissioners will return to security issues.

